2021 Push Ads: Hot Trending Niches and Verticals 2021 Push Ads: Hot Trending Niches and Verticals


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


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We’ve previously discussed what’s trending for native ads, so now let’s talk about what’s working for push notification ads. These verticals have been showing a lot of promise the past few months, and we expect them to remain green till the end of the year.

Based on the results of our research though, there hasn’t been much difference with what’s performing the past few months as compared to what performed well in 2020. We can expect the trending niches the past couple of months to continue trending for the rest of the year.

1. Sofware Installs

This has always been one of the best performing niches in push notification ads, especially for smartphone devices. There are three kinds of app installs working right now, and these are:


This works for both desktop and mobile. Since people are forced to stay at home, they resort to online games to entertain themselves. Below are some examples of push notification ads for games.

Anti-Virus apps/programs

People spend more time on their phones and computers now, so they immediately view warnings that their device may be infected.


Now this niche has seen an upward trend because of the pandemic, mainly in Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries that want to access streaming content that is only available in select countries. Just like the Games niche, the increase in VPN installs is due to a need for more entertainment content while staying at home.

2. Mainstream Dating Apps and Websites

This vertical has always been a good performer for push ads, but it increased even further now that people are feeling the need to find a connection, even if just online. Being by yourself for an extended period of time leads to loneliness, which dating apps tend to “solve”.

3. Adult

Those who have pent-up energy due to lack of physical activity and even intimacy resort to visiting adult sites. Many of them seek to find chatmates or would even tune in to private shows. One proof is the immense popularity of OnlyFans right now.

Adult Dating and Chat

Male Enhancement Pills

4. Sweeps

Sweepstakes has always performed well in push ads, more so today when a lot have lost their jobs due to companies either closing down or laying off employees. People believe that if they can land a big win, they won’t have to worry so much about bills.

5. Gambling

This is another form of entertainment but with a chance of getting a quick buck. There are two kinds of Gambling offers that work right now, and these are:

  • Casino and Slots

  • Sports betting

6. Crypto

The trend for cryptocurrency has not changed much, even though there are more and more people joining. Many crypto programs use their own userbase to generate more sign-ups through word of mouth. The conversion rate through push ads is more or less the same, meaning it is still a good performing niche, though not more so than before.

7. Weight Loss

Staying at home most of the time means less physical activity (for some, a drastic change), which we also know means weight gain. Impulse products such as weight loss pills and diet products are massive right now due to people’s need to lose weight without much effort.

These are not the only niches that are performing well, though. If you dig deeper using Anstrex Push, you will definitely find more verticals that can be considered unexplored but as profitable.

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