Jubna and Postquare Data Now Live Jubna and Postquare Data Now Live


Native Ad Networks Targeting MENA region

Picture of Hiren Shah
Hiren Shah


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Announcing Addition of Jubna and Postquare Ad Networks on Native Spy Tool

Great news for advertisers in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) region! We are now carrying data from Jubna and Postquare which are two emerging native ad networks targeting MENA region. Combination of this inclusion along with data from EngageYa (which we have been covering since many months) will give middle eastern advertisers an amazing insight into many of the successful ad campaigns targeting this region.

These 2 networks will allow you to target traffic from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Morocco and several other Arabic speaking countries.

Examples of Ads on Jubna and Postquare

Here are some examples of the creatives from Jubna and Postquare Ad networks. Majority of traffic comes from various sports and news media sites popular in middle eastern region. In addition, it is possible to receive traffic from several middle eastern movies and entertainment sites. This is a great opportunity to buy some highly targeted traffic for your product. Take a look at some of the popular ads running at the time of writing this article:

Some trending ads from Jubna and Postquare Ad Networks

Additional Resources

For more information on Jubna Traffic, Jubna Login, Postquare traffic and Postquare Login and other information, please click on the links above.

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