Selling Smarter, Not Harder: The Art of E-commerce Push Notification… Selling Smarter, Not Harder: The Art of E-commerce Push Notification Advertising


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Dan Smith


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Push notifications, an innovative communication channel, have become a pivotal element in e-commerce advertising. These brief messages appear on users' devices or web browsers, capturing attention with immediacy that other digital advertising forms often lack. Unlike the pop advertising of old, which many found disruptive, push notifications present a more accepted and engaging way to interact with consumers.

Where e-commerce is concerned, these notifications are not merely alerts but powerful tools for driving sales and enhancing customer experience. They enable online stores to deliver timely offers, product updates, and personalized messages directly to their audience, thereby fostering a seamless shopping journey.

In this guide, you'll delve into the intricacies of push notifications within the e-commerce landscape. You will uncover effective strategies, explore versatile tools, and learn best practices—all aimed at refining your push notification advertising approach. The goal is clear: to harness this technology in ways that escalate sales and cultivate lasting customer relationships for your online store.

Understanding Push Notifications in E-commerce

Push notifications are direct messages sent from e-commerce stores to their customers. They can be received on devices or web browsers and are used to provide timely updates, offers, and reminders. Push notifications play a crucial role in influencing buying decisions and improving the overall shopping experience.

Integration with E-commerce Platforms:

Here are two popular e-commerce platforms and how you can integrate push notifications with them:

  1. Shopify: If you have a Shopify store, you can use push notification tools specifically designed for Shopify. These tools usually come in the form of plugins or apps that can be easily installed and connected to your online store.
  2. WordPress Plugin: For those running an e-commerce store on WordPress, there are several push notification plugins available. These plugins allow you to send messages to your audience even when they're not actively browsing your website.

Tracking Performance:

To measure the effectiveness of your push notification campaigns, it's important to track key metrics using tools like Google Tag Manager and UTM parameters. Here are some metrics you should pay attention to:

  1. User engagement: How many users are opening your push notifications?
  2. Click-through rates: What percentage of users are clicking on the links within your push notifications?
  3. Conversion data: Are your push notifications leading to actual sales or other desired actions?

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into what's working and what needs improvement in your push notification strategy.

Success Story:

Let's look at an example of how push notifications can drive results for an e-commerce store:

Imagine an online clothing store that has recently launched a new collection. They decide to send out a push notification to their subscribers, offering an exclusive discount on these new arrivals for a limited time.
As a result of this targeted promotion, the store sees a surge in website traffic and a significant increase in sales of the new collection. In fact, within just a few hours of sending out the push notification, they generate $X in revenue.
This success story highlights the power of using push notifications to create urgency, personalize offers, and drive immediate action from customers.

Why Push Notifications Matter in E-commerce:

Push notifications offer several advantages for e-commerce businesses:

  1. Instant communication: Unlike emails or social media posts that may go unnoticed, push notifications appear directly on users' screens, grabbing their attention instantly.
  2. Timely updates: Whether it's notifying customers about order status changes, announcing flash sales, or sharing personalized product recommendations, push notifications allow you to deliver relevant information at the right time.
  3. Increased engagement: By staying on top of customers' minds with regular push notifications, you can encourage them to revisit your store, browse new products, and make repeat purchases.
  4. Convenient shopping experience: With push notifications, customers can receive important updates or exclusive offers without having to actively check their emails or visit your website.

By leveraging the power of push notifications on platforms like Shopify and WordPress, e-commerce businesses can effectively drive sales and build stronger relationships with their customers.

Strategies for Effective E-commerce Push Notifications

E-commerce marketers can use strategic differentiation to engage different segments of their audience. By personalizing push notifications based on user behavior, purchase history, and browsing data, businesses can send messages that resonate with various customer groups. Here's how to use segmentation for push notifications:

1. Identify Customer Segments

Group your users based on their:

  • Demographic details
  • Geographic location
  • Shopping preferences

2. Customize the Message

Create personalized messages that appeal to the interests and needs of each segment.

Brightech, a popular home decor brand known for its stylish lighting solutions, provides an excellent example of how personalization can work. They send customized push notifications to customers based on their past interactions and preferences, which has led to significant increases in both engagement and sales.

To make push notifications even more effective, A/B testing is a crucial technique. It allows you to compare different versions of your notifications and identify which ones perform better. Platforms like VWO and Subscribers offer comprehensive testing tools specifically designed for e-commerce stores. Here are some elements you can test:

  1. Headlines and Copy: Try out different wording to see what grabs attention.
  2. Imagery and Design: Compare visuals to find out what generates more interest.
  3. Timing: Determine the best times to send notifications for higher open rates.

In addition to A/B testing, there are two other tactics that can significantly enhance the performance of your push notification campaigns:

  1. Social Proof: Incorporate customer testimonials or popularity metrics (e.g., "Join thousands of satisfied customers") to build trust and credibility.
  2. Urgency: Create a sense of scarcity with limited-time offers or exclusive deals.

These psychological triggers tap into basic human behaviors and motivations, making it more likely for customers to take immediate action.

When implementing these strategies, it's important to keep your brand voice consistent and understand the unique characteristics of your e-commerce audience.

Tools and Platforms for Creating Engaging Push Notifications

Selecting the right push notification tool is crucial for crafting messages that capture attention and motivate users to take action. Here's an overview of some popular tools:


Renowned for its versatility, OneSignal supports mobile and web push notifications, in-app messaging, and email. Key features include A/B testing, real-time analytics, and segmentation capabilities that allow you to tailor your messaging to specific user groups.


LeanPlum goes beyond push notifications, offering a mobile marketing platform with multi-channel campaigning. It shines with robust personalization options, behavioral triggers, and insights into user engagement across all channels.


This tool is ideal if you're looking for simplicity and efficiency. PushBots allows you to send bulk messages across various platforms or tailor them for individual users. Its user-friendly dashboard helps track engagement metrics effectively.


MobileMonkey stands out with its omnichannel messaging capabilities, including Facebook Messenger and SMS alongside push notifications. It's particularly useful for creating interactive chatbot experiences that can guide customers through the sales funnel.

Demo: Designing Visually Appealing Push Notifications

Imagine you're promoting a flash sale on your e-commerce store:

  1. With OneSignal, design a notification with bold text highlighting the "50% OFF" offer. Attach an image of your best-selling product to catch the eye.
  2. Using LeanPlum, you could set up a push notification triggered by user behavior—such as browsing a particular category—that suggests products from that category in the sale.
  3. PushBots makes it straightforward; select a template, add an emoji to your message for extra visibility, and broadcast it to your audience within minutes.
  4. Leverage MobileMonkey to follow up on the push notification with an engaging chatbot message asking users if they need help finding their perfect sale item.

Each tool comes with unique strengths suited to different aspects of e-commerce push notification advertising. By harnessing these tools effectively, you can create compelling campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive conversions.

Best Practices for Implementing Push Notifications in E-commerce

Successful push notification implementation for an eCommerce store hinges on several key practices. Crafting messages that resonate with your audience while working within the character limits of push notifications requires a blend of creativity and precision.

1. Compelling Copy and Visuals

The content of your push notifications should be sharp and to the point, with a clear call to action. It's essential to make every word count and use visuals that grab attention. Remember, you're competing with numerous other notifications.

2. Frequency and Timing

Determine the optimal times to send notifications based on user behavior and time zones. A regular schedule maintains presence without overwhelming customers. Space out your messages to avoid desensitizing users to your brand.

3. Personalization Techniques

  • Segment your audience based on their behavior, preferences, and purchase history.
  • Use dynamic content to tailor messages for different user segments.
  • Incorporate user names and relevant personal details when appropriate.

These practices ensure you deliver value with every notification, fostering a positive perception of your brand. By focusing on these elements, you create a foundation for notifications that not only engage but also convert, boosting both immediate sales and long-term customer loyalty.

Leveraging Push Notifications for Customer Engagement and Retention

Push notifications are a powerful tool for increasing customer engagement and implementing retention strategies. When used correctly, they can greatly reduce cart abandonment rates and foster long-term customer loyalty.

1. Re-engagement Tactics for Abandoned Carts

  • Personalized reminders: Send a push notification reminding customers about items left in their carts, perhaps with an added incentive like a limited-time discount.
  • Feedback requests: Ask why they didn't complete the purchase. This not only gives insight but also shows customers that their opinions are valued.

2. Back-in-Stock Notifications

  • Alert customers instantly when an out-of-stock item is available again, encouraging them to complete the purchase.
  • Provide options to sign up for notifications directly on product pages, making it easy for interested buyers to stay informed.

3. Recommendation Engine Integration

  • Use data from past purchases and browsing behavior to send push notifications with personalized product recommendations.
  • Pair this with special deals or exclusive previews of new releases to incentivize purchases.

By implementing these strategies, e-commerce businesses can effectively use push notifications not only for immediate conversions but also as a strategic tool for building lasting customer relationships.

Measuring the Success of E-commerce Push Notification Campaigns

To truly understand the impact of your e-commerce push notification campaigns, you must delve into specific metrics that gauge their effectiveness. These key performance indicators (KPIs) will help you make data-driven decisions to refine your strategy and maximize ROI.

Key Metrics:

  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): This metric reveals the percentage of users who clicked on a push notification out of the total number who received it. A higher CTR indicates that your message resonates well with your audience.
  • Conversion Rates (CR): Beyond clicks, you need to know how many users performed the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. CR sheds light on the efficacy of push notifications in driving conversions.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): Comparing the ROI of push notifications with other marketing channels is crucial. To calculate, assess the revenue generated from push notification conversions against your marketing ad spend for these campaigns.

By analyzing these metrics, you can identify trends and patterns in user engagement and refine your push notification strategies accordingly. For instance, if your CTR is high but your CR is low, this might indicate that while your notifications are engaging, they may not be effectively compelling users to complete a purchase or take another valuable action.

To optimize campaign performance, use these insights to test different messages, visuals, and timing. Adjusting based on real-time data ensures that you continually improve the effectiveness of your push notification advertising efforts without wasting resources on tactics that do not yield results. Keep track of these metrics regularly to maintain a pulse on campaign health and swiftly pivot strategies when necessary.


Using eCommerce push notification advertising can lead to significant growth in sales and customer engagement. The strategies and tools discussed in this guide are designed to help you effectively communicate with your audience and make every message count.

Push notifications can be a valuable tool for enhancing the shopping experience. They allow you to provide timely updates and personalized recommendations, making it easier for customers to find what they're looking for. But it's important to remember that push notifications are not just about making immediate sales; they're also about building long-term relationships with your customers.

Here are some key takeaways from this guide:

  1. Targeted notifications can enhance the shopping experience by providing relevant information to specific segments of your audience.
  2. Personalization is key when it comes to push notifications. Using data from past purchases or browsing behavior, you can deliver messages that are tailored to each individual customer.
  3. Timing is everything. Sending push notifications at the right moment can significantly increase the chances of them being read and acted upon.
  4. Integration with recommendation engines can further enhance personalization by automatically suggesting products or content based on each customer's preferences.
  5. Analytics are crucial for measuring the effectiveness of your push notification campaigns. By tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, you can identify what's working and what needs improvement.

It's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to push notification advertising. What works for one business may not work for another. That's why it's essential to continuously learn from your data and make adjustments accordingly.

By implementing these best practices and staying proactive in your approach, you can unlock the full potential of push notification advertising for your online store.

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