Customer Acquisition: How To Reach Your Potential Customers for Your… Customer Acquisition: How To Reach Your Potential Customers for Your Dropshipping Store


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


Struggling To Start Your Dropship Store?

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The term “build it and they will come” is an ideology that you should never apply in business. In this time and age, people are being bombarded with products and services left and right that if you don’t jump into the fray, you will be left behind.

Here are some of the best ways to reach your potential customers; we recommend starting with one strategy or platform first and mastering it before moving on to the next.

1) Social Media Marketing

  • Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the world's largest social network with over 2.85 billion monthly active users. It is the best way to start your dropshipping business and get new customers on board because of its highly targeted customer acquisition features. However, it is also one of the most expensive options.

  • Instagram Marketing

Instagram is the second-largest social media site after Facebook with over 1 billion users. People love it because they can share their pictures and videos, follow other users' profiles, and engage in various interactive ways. Since Instagram became a part of Facebook (now called Meta), you have full access to all Facebook advertising features including Boost Post, Lead Ads, and more. Plus you can manage Facebook and Instagram ads in one place by using Facebook Business Ads Manager.

  • Pinterest

Pinterest is a social media platform slash search engine that allows users to share images, videos, and links to websites and blog posts. It is so popular among women, so if your niche focuses on this demographic, make sure you have a presence there.

Before you start your campaign, you should study each Pinterest marketing strategy to increase new traffic from Pinterest.

2) Google Ads (PPC)

The Google ads network is the largest pay-per-click advertising platform in the world with $147 billion worth of revenue in 2020. It has a very wide reach — almost all websites have a Google ad on them!

With Google Ads, you can target your audiences based on their searches, websites they visit, and other criteria. What is cool about it is that if another marketer bids more than you for a specific keyword, it doesn't mean that they will get all of the traffic. Google will display your ad if it thinks that your offer is more relevant to the user, so you have the chance to be seen. Plus, with billions of ad placements every minute, your ad surely has a fighting chance.

3) Email Marketing

The best way to promote a dropshipping business via email marketing is by creating brand awareness and growing an audience without being directly sales-oriented. That way you will be able to build more trust with your customers and finally make the sale.

By finding an interesting way to collect emails of your subscribers (opt-in) you can start communicating with your audience and building a stronger relationship. The best way to do it is to use pop-ups or exit-intent popups which will help you convert more of your website visitors into email subscribers. Of course, this requires that you already receive traffic to your website.

4) Native Advertising

If you want to explore even more ways to reach your potential customers, consider using native advertising. Native advertising is a form of advertising that blends in with the natural content of the website or app where it appears. This type of advertising is very effective because it's less intrusive and provides a better experience for the user.

There are many different types of native advertising, but the most common are banner ads, in-feed ads, and recommended content. For dropshipping businesses, we recommend using in-feed ads and recommended content. In-feed ads appear as part of the list of items (the feed) on a website or app, while recommended content is a type of native ad that appears as a suggested item on a website.

5) Push Notification Ads

Push notification ads are a type of advertisement that sends a notification to the user's device, even when they're not using the app or website. This type of ad is very effective because it can reach the user when they're not paying attention to other forms of advertising.

There are three types of push notification ads: the classic push, in-page push ads, and the iOS Calendar ads. Learn more about these three types of push ads here.

As you can see with all these myriads of marketing, the e-commerce world is your oyster! So take advantage of the information that you have learned above and apply it in your dropshipping business.

Our advice is to focus on one marketing channel at a time for the first six months of your business. As a result, you will be able to gauge what is working and what isn't, and get valuable feedback from your customers. And don't forget to try Anstrex Dropshipping, a tool that will help you automate most of your dropshipping trasks. Try it while it's still free!

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Tags: dropshipping
Posted in : Dropshipping

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