2021 Native Ads: Top E-commerce Trends With Examples 2021 Native Ads: Top E-commerce Trends With Examples


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


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Two months into 2021 and we’re already seeing some data on what works in Native Ads. If you’re still feeling your way around and couldn’t quite land on a niche or offer that is profitable, sit back and read through this post. By the end of it, you’ll know what kinds of offers to run next to make the next 10 months profitable for you.

For starters, e-Commerce has been the top-performing vertical for native advertising. This is not surprising since the majority of the people are stuck at home because of COVID-19 scare, so we tend to make all our purchases and grocery runs online.

Many of the trending niches are either deeply rooted to or related to the pandemic. Here are the best performing e-Commerce subcategories right now:

Food and Kitchen

This is of course not surprising. It’s one of our most basic needs, so if you can’t go out, you’ll resort to online purchases. What makes native ads’ promotion of food more lucrative right now is because people are looking to test options other than what they had before the pandemic.

Those who preferred home-cooking in the past are now looking into quick preparation options, while those who prefer takeaways in the past try their hand at preparing meals on their own (guided, of course).

Aside from ingredients, a lot of people are looking into kitchen equipment to help them get started in their home cooking endeavor.

Native Ads Examples In Food & Kitchen Vertical

Medical Gear (Masks et al.)

This is spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to be able to keep ourselves safe so we buy protective gear. But aside from flu-related medical stuff, people also purchase supplies that would help limit the need to visit a hospital. This includes blood sugar level monitors, blood pressure gauges, and more.

There is also an increase in the need for food supplements and not just those that are said to boost immunity, but also those that help improve eyesight, brain function, relieve pain, and even libido.

Native Ads Examples of Medical Items

Clothing and Fashion Accessories

Just because we don’t frequently leave the house doesn’t mean we should look drab and forget our fashion sense. We still need to appear fashionable and professional during video meetings, after all. And again, since we don’t go out, we resort to buying these items online.

Furthermore, buying clothing online helps in making people feel a sense of normalcy in their lives.

Some Native Ads Examples Related To Clothing & Fashion

Home Office Tools and Supplies

Most companies have shifted to remote work, which is why the need for home office furniture and supplies has risen. Since we stay in front of the computers for hours on end, physical pain is inevitable, unless of course you use ergonomically designed tables, chairs, and other office equipment, which is what’s trending now.

Fitness Products

If you want to maintain your physical activity but would rather stay at home than encounter people at the park or in the gym, buying exercise equipment for your home gym is not half as bad.

Home Office & Fitness Products Examples

Weight loss products

Because local governments are just now beginning to allow people to go outside for exercise, it’s just inevitable that people have gained weight. Even if your only exercise in the past was to walk towards the nearest train station, that is still physical activity! When you abruptly stop physical activity, you would likely gain weight.

Plus, there’s nothing much to do but sit and watch on the television, or work on your computer. Always sitting causes immense weight gain. Here are some of the trending weight loss products:

Native Ads For Weight Loss Products

If you want to find your own golden nugget for e-Commerce using our Native Ads Spy tool, you can utilize our newest filter called the Technology Filter. This allows you to narrow down your search results to ads that run on a specific platform. The e-Commerce platforms that the filter can detect include Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, Volusion, and Prestashop.

For more information on other things the Technology filter can do and how to precisely find niches, spare a few minutes to read this announcement.

It’s still early in 2021, don’t be late in promoting these offers in native advertising traffic sources. You can easily rip landing pages that you can find using the Anstrex Native Ads tool so getting started need not be that hard.

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