15 Native Advertising Examples to Brainstorm More Ideas 15 Native Advertising Examples to Brainstorm More Ideas


Picture of Kulwant Nagi
Kulwant Nagi


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Did you know that the average person encountered somewhere about 6,000 to 10,000 ads per day in 2021? Ads have become more intrusive, forcing internet users to employ ad blockers.

This is where native ads come in. They blend in with the organic content, offering users a less intrusive experience.

It's hard to deny their effectiveness since the click-through rate of native ads is 40 times more than traditional ads. This figure suggests that the market for native ads will expand by 25% in the coming years.

We break down what a native advertisement is in this post and discuss 15 native advertising examples to help you brainstorm more ideas about your advertising strategy.

What is Native Advertising?

Native ads are sponsored content that matches the feel and function of the media format. These are generally seen as recommended content on web pages and also appear on social media feeds.

Rather than looking like a standard ad, native ads look like a part of the editorial flow of a page. Marketers are turning to native ads because they seem more compelling than display ads to visitors.

Many visitors click on native ads, not realizing they're looking at an ad. The content looks informational and feels relevant to the user, driving more purchases.

In addition, native ads fight ad fatigue, which happens when the audience gets bored of seeing ads. Native ads are an excellent way to improve brand exposure and, when done right, keep audiences engaged.

There are three major forms of native advertising:

  • In Feed/In Content Ads: These ads create a non-interruptive experience by blending in with native content. They can be integrated into social feeds, eCommerce sites, or content pieces.
  • Content Recommendation Ads: Users generally find this ad at the end or side of an article. Either these are displayed alongside editorial content or other ads.

Branded/Native Content Ads: These are present as unique content on the publisher's site because they don't fit into typical ad spaces.

15 Best Native Advertising Examples

#1 Revcontent Ads on TFE Times

Revcontent is a well-known native advertising platform that puts up ads on sites that drive between 50,000 and 80,000 visitors per month and more. One of the many sites that Revcontent puts up content recommendation native ads on is the TFE Times site.

TFE Times is a blog site that regularly uploads posts about the latest news in business, tech, and culture. You can find Revcontent's native ads on the home page and every blog page.


They are placed just as you'd expect content recommendation ads to be placed – off to the right side of the page, not obstructing a visitor's reading experience but rather adding to it.

#2 Adblade Ads on EmergencyEmail

EmergencyEmail is a news site that publishes critical news reports, weather reports, and alerts. However, besides serving visitors with content to keep them in the loop about world events, the site also serves native ads.

Content recommendation ads from the Adblade advertising network appear on the right side of the page. Ads from Adblade also appear under blog posts on the website.


These ads tend to be more effective since they are less obstructive than pop-up and banner ads. Furthermore, content recommendation ads are typically informative pieces of content and add value to the visitor's experience.

#3 Ad4Game Ads on MouseCity

While online game sites aren't as popular as they once used to be, many of them still cater to bored internet browsers. MouseCity.com is one of these websites and hosts games that visitors can play with their mouse.

Like most other monetized websites, MouseCity also has ads. However, in addition to banners, you can also find native ads redirecting visitors to other enjoyable games. The Ad4Game network serves these ads.

You can find these ads spread across the website, including on the homepage.


#4 ZergNet Ads on Newser

Newser is a popular news site that publishes the latest world news, science news, and US news. This site is unique because it gives you the ability to sort through the news based on superlatives. With these filters, visitors can avoid reading depressing stories if they choose to.

ZergNet is a content recommendation ad network that Newser uses to generate revenue. ZergNet ads appear at the end of every post on the right side, recommending attention-grabbing content to attract clicks.


#5 PopAds on MyFreeShares

MyFreeShares is an affiliate marketing network that offers users money for visiting the advertisers' websites on the network. The interface is minimal and straightforward, with a lot of space for ads.

You can find native ads spread across the website, including on the bottom of the homepage.


#6 Ad Server Ads on The Bookseller

The Bookseller is one of the UK's oldest business magazines and has reported on every major book trade event since 1860. The magazine's website now publishes all of the latest articles, and users can read one article on the site for free every month before needing a subscription.

What makes The Bookseller stand out in this list of examples is that its native ads blend seamlessly into the rest of the page.


Besides the ad's design, the fact that the ads promote books makes them seem like genuine recommendations considering the niche of the website. These ads are an excellent example of well-executed native ads.

#7 Outbrain Ads on CNN Politics

Thousands of internet users rely on the CNN Politics website for their news. Considering that all the content on the site is free to access, the site is thought of as one of the better news sites.

That said, the website makes its money by placing all kinds of ads across the website, including native ads. You can find native ads by Outbrain at the end of every article under the "Paid Content" section.


The informative content present in these ads entices visitors to click on them without hesitating. If the "Paid Content" header weren't present, visitors wouldn't be able to tell that the organic-looking content is actually sponsored content.

#8 Colombia Ads on Business Insider

Business Insider has been serving business news to internet users since 2007, and it didn't take long for the website to become popular.

Like CNN Politics, you can read the articles on Business Insider for free. However, the company monetizes the website with native ads.

While you can find display and banner ads spread across the site, too, the native ads make for a less obstructive and more informative experience, hence attracting more clicks.


The content recommendation ads by Colombia are present after the end of every article.

#9 Content.ad Recommendation Ads on FirstToKnow

FirstToKnow is a blog that regularly posts about the craziest stories on the internet. Readers can find blogs on everything from entertainment and automotive to history and technology on FirstToKnow.

The site is free to access; however, it has ads integrated into it to help fund the site. The Content.ad network provides content recommendation ads to the website. You can find these ads on the right side of the page under the "You Might Also Like" section.


These ads recommend entertaining blog posts similar to those you can find on FirstToKnow. Furthermore, the design of the ads makes them seem like they aren't actually ads but organically recommended content by the site.

#10 Redirect Ads on Merriam Webster

Merriam Webster is a dictionary website that is free to access by anybody on the internet. To keep the website functioning without asking visitors to pay, the website monetizes itself using ads.

There are banner and display ads on the website, but since Merriam Webster partners with the Redirect ad network, it also hosts native ads.

You can find native ads on the website underneath the definition of whatever word the user searched.


#11 Nativo Ads on LA Times

The Nativo ad network is best known for its high-performing ad formats that help brands take center stage in the feeds of premium websites – including the LA Times website.

You can find Nativo's native ads as "Sponsored" posts on the platform.


In addition to providing native ads to LA Times, Nativo's ads also appear on Entrepreneur.com and Fodors Travel sites.

#12 TripleLift Ads on The New York Times

The TripleLift technology makes TripleLift ads some of the most attractive native ads you can find in the industry. The company has been pioneering native ads since 2012 and offers four product lines across 13 unique ad formats.

The company publishes in-feed ads in The New York Times, and the animations make them that much more enticing to visitors.


TripleLift also works with brands such as Everyday Health, Toyota, and Nestle.

#13 Adsyoulike In-Feed Ads On Time

The Adsyoulike network serves ads of three different kinds on sites such as Time, Digital Spy, and Cosmopolitan. On the Time website, you can find in-feed carousel ads from Adsyoulike.


#14 Sharethrough Ads on Men's Journal

Men's Journal is a popular monthly magazine focused on outdoor recreation, health and fitness, style and fashion, and gear, among other things.

The posts on the website are free to read, and the site is monetized with ads. You can find Sharethrough's native ads in the feed, mid articles, and at the end of articles on the Men's Journal website.


#15 Taboola Ads on NDTV

NDTV is a well-known news outlet that keeps its visitors updated about the latest world events via its website. NDTV hosts native content recommendation ads on their website, provided to them by the Taboola ad network.

You can find these ads at the end articles and on the right side of the page.


Making Native Ads Quickly with Anstrex

Seasoned marketers understand that competitor research is key to building campaigns that stand out. It enables marketers to learn what kinds of ads could work for a brand and helps figure out what pitfalls to avoid.

Anstrex is a competitive intelligence tool that you can use to gather your competitor's advertising data to build successful ad campaigns. Anstrex offers three tools in total, including Anstrex Native.

Anstrex Native gathers data from over two dozen ad networks and provides a database of native ads that users can search in different ways.

The filters allow users to sift through native ads based on how long they run, what ad network they're on, which country they operate in, what technology they use, and so on.


The sliders and the simple search button make searching for the competing ads in your niche easy. The ad network and category filters can be especially useful.


When you find an ad that's driving many clicks on Anstrex, clicking on it will reveal all the relevant data. A menu with the summary of the ad, including the top countries it performs in, the ad network it is on, and its ranking will appear.

You can use the other tabs on the top of the screen to view other data such as the publishers of the ad, the devices the ad is viewed most from, and the geographical data of the ad.


But the most helpful feature of Anstrex Native is that it enables you to rip a native ad's landing page in one click and deploy it on your AWS server with another.

Click on the "Download and Deploy" button on the ad's "Summary" page, and Anstrex will download the page for you. You can then edit the landing page with the in-line editor, customize it for your campaign, and also change the links on the page in one go.


The tool can save you a lot of time and money if you're looking to native advertising as an answer to make money or increase sales.


The best native ads are the ones that blend perfectly with the platform but also are very clearly promoting something in a captivating way.

The industry is pushing the envelope with what advertising can be with native ads. If you're looking into using native ads for your products, the aforementioned fifteen examples are the gold standard you should strive to replicate.

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