Which Push Spy Tool is Better: Anstrex Push or Spypush? Which Push Spy Tool is Better: Anstrex Push or Spypush?


Picture of Jairene Cruz
Jairene Cruz


Are You Spying on Your Competitors' Push Ad Campaigns?

Our spy tools monitor millions of push notification ads from over 90+ countries and thousands of publishers.

If you're running push traffic to your eCommerce or affiliate offers, it would be best to look into what your competitors are doing. If they are seeing success, then logic dictates you follow that direction.

There are only a handful of push spy tools in the market, and two well-known ones are Spypush and Anstrex. Which one can help you push your marketing campaigns in the green? Let's have a look.

Feature Comparison: Anstrex vs Spypush

To properly determine which tool is better, let us compare all applicable features side by side and see which platform is one step ahead.

1. Amount of Ads Tracked

This is one of the most important features an advertiser should look into. The more ads tracked and added within a platform’s inventory, the higher the chances that you’ll find the ads that you are looking for.

More is always better.

Anstrex Push has collected more than three million push ads in its database, while Spypush has collected around two million push ads. In this aspect, Anstrex is clearly the better choice.

2. Geo Coverage

Having a wide reach is another important factor with a spy tool. If you’re planning on running ads in different countries, then you need to be able to spy on localized ads.

If you choose Anstrex, you will have access to ads that span 95 countries. If you go with Spypush, you will be able to find ads that span 140 countries. This means Spypush provides wider coverage.

3. Ad Networks Monitored

Aside from geo coverage, your spy tool should be able to gain access to ads that run in various ad networks. There are several push ad providers as of today, each one sending exclusive traffic to advertisers.

If you want to gather accurate data on your rivals’ push notifications activities, you need to be able to find the ads that they send to customers through multiple ad channels.

Anstrex collects ads from 38 ad networks, while Spypush collects ads from 10 ad networks. Clearly, Anstrex is one step ahead when it comes to ad network reach.

4. Download Landing Page

You’ve seen the ads. You’ve copied the featured image and text descriptions. What’s the next step to ensure that you succeed as much as your competitor did? Copy the landing page of course!

Doing it manually can be a pain. Thankfully, both of these spy tools allow you to download the landing page in one click.

However, Anstrex went a step further by providing advertisers a way to edit landing pages. This is a powerful tool is a WYSIWYG editor, which allows even the most novice of users to make changes on the landing page, especially the affiliate link.

This is why in this respect, Anstrex is the clear winner.

5. Immediate Landing Page Launch

Since we’re on the topic of ripping and editing landing pages, let’s talk about what happens next to your downloaded webpages.

After downloading, you will open your web hosting account, navigate to the right website, folder, or bucket, and upload the files. That is of course assuming you have already edited the page to reflect your own offer link in the CTAs and relevant locations. After that, your landing page is ready to receive traffic.

But what if you can skip all that? What if you can send the landing page directly to your web host after you have cleaned it and added your own links? This is entirely possible with Anstrex.

Anstrex allows you to link your AWS account or your FTP account to its platform. This way, once you find the landing page you want, you can edit it through their in-house WYSIWYG editor, and then immediately launch it!

Unfortunately, Spypush does not have the same feature, so Anstrex wins this one.

6. Favorite Ads

Let’s say you’ve finally found the ads that you want to use, and you still want to keep on searching for more. There must be a way to mark the ads for future reference, yes?

Both Anstrex and Spypush have the heart button which marks the ad as a “Favorite”. This effectively places the creative into your Favorite folder, which you can easily access at any time. As such, both tools are on equal footing with this feature.

7. Search and Filters

You can find your competitors’ ads more easily if you can narrow down the search results. Again, both spy tools have the search and filtering option, but their capabilities are different.

Spypush allows you to search via keywords and URLs. You can also narrow it down via the following filters:

  • Country
  • Language
  • Device type
  • Network
  • Date
  • Activity (whether currently active or inactive)

Anstrex provides a more thorough filtering option, with search filters that include the following:

  • By Ad Network
  • Country
  • Platform (Device)
  • Language
  • Affiliate Network
  • Tracker used
  • Keywords
  • Adult filtering

Anstrex likewise uses Advanced Boolean Searching. This means you can search ads based on a combination of attributes, may they be keywords, country, domain name, language, platform, tracker, date first or last seen, and other filter options.

Finally, it is also possible to narrow down results based on the number of days the ad has been running, the website’s Alexa rank, the ad strength, and the ad gravity.

Ad strength signifies the ad’s performance since it started running. The ad gravity, on the other hand, signifies the ad’s performance in just the recent weeks.

It is quite evident that Anstrex’s search capability is more potent than Spypush.

8. Cost Per Click History

How much have your rival companies been paying for every click to their ads? That is a vital piece of information that is hard to come by; so hard that not everyone can develop applications that will collect this data.

One of these two spy tools we’ve been comparing can. And that’s Anstrex.

Knowing how much your competitor is bidding per click, combined with the information on which ad network is being used, means you can outbid your rival and get more traffic to your offers.

9. Price

Finally, let us talk about the monthly subscription fee. Spypush is priced at only $49, while Anstrex is priced at $79.99. In this aspect, Spypush is better.

Spypush also has a 24 free trial which includes only five countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, France, and Germany). Anstrex does not offer a free trial, but it does have a two-day money-back guarantee in case you decide to cancel after checking the platform out.

Comparison Summary

Here’s a summarized table of all the points we discussed above. At a glance, you can see which spy tool is the better choice.

Although Spypush is cheaper, we must consider the vast difference in features and benefits. Anstrex is clearly the winner in this comparison.

When subscribing to a tool, make sure it can give you the most benefits out of the rest. Anstrex may be more expensive than Spypush, but it gives more bang for your buck.

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