Avoiding Pop Ad Blockers: What Every Marketer Needs to Know Avoiding Pop Ad Blockers: What Every Marketer Needs to Know


Picture of Dan Smith
Dan Smith


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Pop ads have long been an essential tool in a marketer's arsenal. However, the rise of ad blockers poses a substantial challenge to their effectiveness. Ad blockers are software tools that prevent advertisements from being displayed on a webpage, and their prevalence has soared in recent years.

According to Statista, as of 2020, nearly 27% of internet users in the United States employed ad blockers. This significant statistic underscores the profound impact ad blockers have on marketers by hindering their ability to deliver messages effectively through pop ads.

But there's good news! Even in the face of these challenges, it is still possible for marketers to navigate around ad blockers and ensure successful delivery of their pop ads. This article will delve into various techniques that can be employed to avoid pop ad blockers effectively:

  1. Understanding how ad blockers work
  2. Exploring anti-adblock systems
  3. Disabling JavaScript within browsers
  4. Using user script managers like Tampermonkey
  5. Manually editing website scripts

By the end of this read, you'll not only understand these techniques but also gain valuable insights into hot trending niches and verticals for push ads in 2021. We'll explore how successful advertisers have counteracted the effects of ad blockers and made their push ads thrive in spite of these challenges. Additionally, we'll uncover some closely guarded secrets from other massively successful advertisers that will help you succeed at massively scalable pop advertising. Get ready to unlock these secrets and make your push ads trend in 2021 and beyond despite the constraints posed by prevalent ad blocking software.

Understanding Ad Blockers

Ad blockers are software tools designed to prevent ads from appearing on your device when you're browsing the web or using an app. They come in various forms like browser extensions and standalone applications, each with its unique functionality.

How Ad Blockers Work

Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are add-ons that you can install on your web browser. Examples include Adblock Plus and uBlock Origin. Once installed, they automatically block ads on any website you visit.

Standalone Applications

Unlike browser extensions, standalone applications work across all apps and browsers on your device. They provide a more comprehensive ad-blocking experience compared to browser extensions. One such example is AdLock.

Both types of ad blockers use filtering algorithms to detect and block ads. The algorithms scan the content of a webpage or app for elements that match a list of known ad-related keywords and patterns (filter list). If a match is found, the blocker prevents it from loading or replaces it with blank space.

Behind the Scenes of Filtering Algorithms

To give you a clearer picture of how these algorithms work, imagine you're visiting a news website. As the page loads, your ad blocker springs into action:

  1. It scans the page's HTML source code.
  2. It compares elements in the code against its filter list.
  3. If it finds a match (for example, an image file with a URL that contains 'banner-ad'), it prevents it from loading.

The process happens quickly, ensuring a seamless browsing experience without ads.

Anti-Adblock Systems: Fighting Back Against Revenue Loss

With the rise of ad blockers, website owners have found their revenue streams at risk. Ads primarily fuel many websites – blocking them equates to potential revenue loss.

Enter anti-adblock systems: technologies designed to protect ad revenue by detecting and counteracting ad blockers. These systems work by employing various methods such as obfuscating ad-related code, serving ads through non-standard channels, or using pop-ups to ask users to disable their ad blockers.

However, relying solely on technical combat strategies may not be enough. As a marketer, it's pivotal to strike a balance between user experience and ad delivery. This necessitates adopting a multi-layered approach that combines both technical strategies and user-centric tactics.

Anti-Adblock Systems: Fighting Back Against Revenue Loss

Ad blockers have become a serious problem for marketers and website owners. They take away the important money-making opportunities that come from display ads. To deal with this, anti-adblock systems have been created – tools designed to protect ad revenue by making sure ads are still shown even if ad blockers are being used.

How Ad Blockers Work

Commonly used ad blockers like AdBlock Plus and uBlock Origin use filtering algorithms to find and block ads. These algorithms look for specific patterns or elements commonly found in ads, such as image sizes or HTML tags. When an ad is detected, it's either hidden from view or completely removed from the webpage.

How Anti-Adblock Systems Work

Anti-adblock systems function by identifying these filtering algorithms and responding with countermeasures that stop the ads from being blocked. Here's how they typically work:

  1. Detection: The system checks if an ad blocker is active on the user's device.
  2. Response: If an ad blocker is detected, the system takes action to prevent the ad from being blocked.
  3. Display: The ad is shown to the user, bypassing the ad blocker's attempts to hide it.

These systems can range from simple scripts that warn users about ad blocker usage, to more complex methods that use obfuscation techniques to make ads look like regular content.

The Impact of Ad Blockers on Marketers

Ad blockers have a significant impact on marketers:

  1. Message Delivery: Ads are a crucial way of communicating messages, promoting products, and driving conversions. When these messages don't reach their intended audience due to ad blockers, marketing efforts can fail.
  2. Revenue Loss: Display ads are a primary source of income for many websites. When these ads are blocked, website owners lose out on potential revenue.

The Importance of Anti-Adblock Systems

Deploying anti-adblock systems is essential for two reasons:

  1. Protecting Revenue: By ensuring that ads are still shown to users with ad blockers, websites can continue to generate income from their content.
  2. Ensuring Message Delivery: Every blocked ad is a missed opportunity to engage with potential customers. It's crucial for marketers to find ways to overcome the challenges posed by ad blockers and make sure their messages are delivered effectively.

Effective Strategies Against Ad Blockers

A combination of technical and user-centric strategies can be effective in dealing with ad blockers:

  1. Technical strategies involve using code and scripts to either disguise ads or bypass the filtering algorithms used by ad blockers.
  2. User-centric strategies focus on improving the user experience by creating less intrusive ads or offering incentives for users to disable their ad blockers.

While both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, a multi-layered approach that combines both tactics tends to produce the best results.

The Future of Ad Blocking and Anti-Adblock Systems

As technology continues to evolve, so too must the strategies used to deal with ad blockers. The battle between ad blockers and anti-adblock systems is ongoing, but with the right approach, marketers can increase their chances of success.

Techniques for Delivering Pop Ads Despite Ad Blockers

Dealing with ad blockers can be a significant challenge for marketers. To ensure that pop ads reach the target audience, various bypassing techniques have been developed. One of the most straightforward methods is disabling JavaScript in the browser.

1. Disabling JavaScript in the Browser

Disabling JavaScript is a common technique that Google Chrome users employ to bypass anti-adblockers. Here are the steps to disable JavaScript in Google Chrome:

  1. Visit the website that uses an anti-adblocker system.
  2. Click on the left side of the URL to access "Site Information".
  3. In the pop-up menu, locate "JavaScript".
  4. Choose "Block" to disable JavaScript.
  5. Finally, reload the page to observe changes.

The same process can be applied in Mozilla Firefox, with slight differences in accessing the "Site Information".

This approach has its advantages and drawbacks:


  • Simplicity: It's a relatively easy method to implement.
  • Effectiveness: It helps bypass many anti-adblock scripts effectively.


  • Reduced Functionality: Many websites rely heavily on JavaScript for various functions. Disabling it might lead to loss of certain features or poor user experience.
  • Temporary Solution: This approach might not work on all sites, especially those with advanced anti-adblock systems.

A more sophisticated and reliable alternative involves using user script managers like Tampermonkey.

2. Leveraging User Script Managers like Tampermonkey

Tampermonkey is a powerful Chrome extension used as a user script manager. It allows you to run custom scripts that can counteract ad-blockers effectively. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Go to the Chrome Webstore and download the Tampermonkey extension.
  2. Install this extension in your browser.
  3. Install scripts designed to block ad-blockers.
  4. Subscribe to a pre-made filter list for the specific ad-blocker plugin on your browser.

Tampermonkey is supported by several browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. It's compatible with most adblockers like Adblock, Adblock Plus, uBlock Origin, and Adguard AdBlocker.

Note: After setting up the extension and installing the scripts, you need to relaunch your browser for changes to take effect. The script will automatically detect websites that block ad-blockers and bypass them.

These two techniques provide a solid starting point for marketers looking to deliver pop ads despite ad blockers. They offer a way around the obstacles put in place by ad-blocking technology. However, they are not foolproof and may not work against more advanced anti-adblock systems. As we delve further into this topic, we'll uncover more sophisticated methods to bypass anti-adblockers in Chrome which can help overcome even the most advanced anti-adblock measures.

2. Using User Script Managers like Tampermonkey

When it comes to bypassing ad blockers, Tampermonkey stands out as a powerful tool for Google Chrome users. As a user script manager extension, it allows you to run custom scripts that can counteract ad-blockers. Here's how you can get started with Tampermonkey:

Installation Guide for Tampermonkey:

  1. Go to the Chrome Web Store: Open Google Chrome and visit the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for Tampermonkey: Use the search bar to find the Tampermonkey extension.
  3. Add to Chrome: Click on 'Add to Chrome' next to the Tampermonkey extension.
  4. Confirm Installation: A pop-up window will appear asking for permissions required by the extension; click 'Add Extension' to proceed.

After installation, you'll see the Tampermonkey icon in your browser toolbar, indicating that it's ready for use.

Running Custom Scripts with Tampermonkey:

To use custom scripts:

  1. Click on the Tampermonkey icon in your toolbar.
  2. Select 'Create a new script...' from the dropdown menu.
  3. A new tab will open where you can write or paste your custom script designed to block ad-blockers.
  4. Save your changes, and the script will be active on pages defined within its settings.

Subscribing to Pre-made Filter Lists:

Additionally, you can enhance your bypassing techniques by subscribing to pre-made filter lists tailored for specific ad-blocker plugins:

  1. Visit websites that host filter lists such as AakList (Anti-Adblock Killer).
  2. Within Tampermonkey's dashboard, find the option to manage your user scripts.
  3. Look for an option to subscribe or add a new filter list and follow the instructions provided on the website hosting the list.

By integrating these scripts into your browsing experience, you effectively mitigate many of the challenges posed by ad-blocking software. The efficiency of this approach lies in its ability to adapt; as ad-blockers evolve, so do the counter-scripts available through communities dedicated to maintaining them.

Remember that while disabling JavaScript is a simpler method, using a solution like Tampermonkey offers more granularity and control over which ads are shown and how they are managed. This ensures that users can maintain their preferred browsing experience while also allowing marketers to deliver their content effectively.

With these directions, Google Chrome users have another robust method at their disposal for bypassing anti-adblockers, complementing other strategies without overlapping with prior discussed methods such as directly disabling JavaScript in-browser settings.

3. Manually Editing Website Scripts Using DevTools

For tech-savvy marketers who are comfortable with inspecting and modifying website scripts, browser developer tools like Chrome DevTools can be a powerful aid in bypassing ad blockers. This approach requires a more hands-on method compared to using Tampermonkey or disabling JavaScript but provides greater control over the modifications you make.

To start, you need to launch the DevTools panel in your browser. In Google Chrome, this can be done by right-clicking on the webpage and selecting 'Inspect' or using the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I.

Once the DevTools panel is open, navigate to the Elements tab where you will see the HTML structure of the webpage. Ads are typically embedded within these HTML elements. Ad blockers work by hiding or deleting these elements from rendering on your page.

By manually editing these elements, you can effectively evade an ad blocker’s script. For instance, if an ad-blocking code is hiding an element by setting its display property to 'none', you can override this by changing it to 'block'. Similarly, you might find instances where an overflow property is set to 'hidden', preventing scrolling on a page. Changing this property to 'scroll' can restore normal functionality.

In terms of effectiveness, manual script editing can be a reliable way of bypassing anti-adblock measures. However, its success heavily depends on your understanding of HTML and CSS properties, as well as being able to identify which parts of the script are being targeted by the ad blocker.

Here is a basic step-by-step guide:

  1. Open DevTools (Ctrl + Shift + I in Chrome)
  2. Navigate to the Elements tab
  3. Identify and select the HTML element containing the ad
  4. Modify its properties (e.g., change display: none to display: block)

However, keep in mind that this method has limitations. It can be time-consuming, especially for complex websites with extensive scripts. Additionally, these changes are only temporary and need to be redone every time the page is refreshed. Nevertheless, with practice and understanding of web development, manual script editing can be an effective tool in a marketer's arsenal against ad blockers.

The Role of Undetectable Ad Blockers

The relationship between ad blockers and websites is often like a strategic game, with both sides constantly adjusting to each other's actions. In this game, undetectable ad blockers have become an important player. These tools aim to give users a smooth browsing experience while bypassing the anti-adblock systems that websites use.

Leading Undetectable Ad Blockers

Here are three popular undetectable ad blocking solutions:

  1. AdLock: This tool not only blocks ads but also protects your device from accessing harmful websites and keeps your personal information secure. It works by filtering internet traffic and removing unwanted content without being detected by common adblock detection methods.
  2. uBlock Origin: Known for its efficiency and minimal use of computer resources, uBlock Origin effectively stops ads and trackers. Its advanced settings allow users to customize the blocking process, including the ability to discreetly bypass anti-adblock measures.
  3. AdBlock Plus: Unlike other ad blockers, AdBlock Plus has a feature called 'Acceptable Ads' which allows non-intrusive advertisements by default. This aligns with certain websites' requirements for adblock detection. Users have the option to disable this feature if they don't want any ads at all while still maintaining a low profile.

These tools represent the continuous advancement of technology in the world of online advertising. They not only provide ad-blocking functions but also prioritize privacy protection and user experience without attracting attention.

Marketers need to understand the effectiveness of these tools in order to create strategies that respect user preferences and strike a balance between delivering ads and ensuring a positive browsing experience.

Advanced Techniques: Bypassing Ad-blocker Detection Methods

Websites have become smarter at detecting ad blockers, which can lead to a tug-of-war between users who want an ad-free experience and marketers aiming to display their pop ads. To navigate this landscape, understanding and implementing advanced techniques for bypassing ad-blocker detection methods is essential.

CSS Manipulation

CSS manipulation plays a critical role in hiding ads from blocker extensions:

  • Inline Styles: Inject inline styles directly onto ad elements to make them appear as regular content.
  • Randomizing Class Names: Use scripts to generate random class names for ad-related elements on each page load, confusing blocker algorithms.
  • Delaying Ad Loading: Delay the loading of ad scripts until after the page has fully loaded or until the user interacts with the page, reducing the chance of detection.

User-Scripts for Dynamic Ad Delivery

User-scripts offer a dynamic approach to ad delivery:

  • Script Customization: Develop custom scripts that run in the background and serve ads in unconventional ways that evade typical blocking patterns.
  • Obfuscation Techniques: Obfuscate code within scripts to complicate detection by ad blockers, making it harder for their filters to recognize and block the content.
  • Asynchronous Loading: Load ads asynchronously with content so they don't trigger ad blocker filters designed to scan synchronous requests.

By employing these sophisticated strategies, marketers can enhance the likelihood of their pop ads reaching their intended audience. Yet, it's crucial for marketers to balance such tactics with respect for user experience, ensuring that efforts to bypass ad blockers don't become too intrusive or detrimental to website usability.

Case Study: YouTube Ad Blocker Popup and Saurav Hathi's Chrome Extension

One prime example of a countermeasure against ad blockers in the digital world is the YouTube ad blocker popup. This popup is an attempt by the video-sharing platform to encourage users to disable their ad blockers, ensuring that ads can be delivered successfully.

Enter Saurav Hathi's Chrome extension. This extension aims to bypass this measure put in place by YouTube, disabling the popup that prompts users to turn off their ad blockers. To use this extension:

  1. Download it from the Google Chrome Web Store.
  2. Install the extension onto your browser.
  3. Enjoy an uninterrupted YouTube experience without the pesky popup.

However, it's important to consider how this move affects content creators who rely on ad revenue for livelihood. With reduced ad views, these creators may see a significant decrease in their earnings.

A potential solution? YouTube Premium subscriptions. This service offers an ad-free viewing experience while still providing financial support to content creators. Similarly, viewers can also opt for direct donations as another way of supporting their favorite channels.

Remember: Bypassing ads may provide a more seamless user experience, but it also directly impacts those who create the content you enjoy. It's a delicate balance between user preference and creator sustainability – one that continues to evolve with the digital landscape.


The ongoing development and prevalence of ad blockers challenge the traditional approach to online advertising. Marketers must adapt their strategies to ensure their messages reach their target audience effectively. Navigating the landscape of ad blocking technology requires a deep understanding of how these tools function and how to bypass them without infriting on users' preferences.

Beyond mastering techniques for avoiding pop ad blockers, it's also essential for marketers to diversify their approach. This could involve exploring publisher strategies to manage ad blockers, which provide valuable insights on how to overcome these challenges while maintaining effective advertising practices.

  • Exploring Native Advertising: These ads match the look and feel of the media format in which they appear, offering a less intrusive experience for users.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers can provide access to a loyal and engaged audience that marketers can tap into.
  • Branded Content Collaborations: This involves creating content in partnership with another brand or influencer, blending both marketing messages seamlessly into a single piece of content.

Remember, adapting to change is critical in the digital marketing landscape. Staying updated with new tools, techniques, and trends will ensure marketers continue delivering their messages successfully amidst the evolving dynamics of ad blockers.

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